Four Things You Should Do When Filing For Bankruptcy

If you have found yourself in deep financial trouble, then bankruptcy filing may be your only way out. Once you have filed for bankruptcy you will have a chance to access your finances and to get rid of your debt. However, before you file for bankruptcy there are some things you should know in order to make the process go a lot more smoothly. Here are the essentials.

1. Start Seriously Accessing Your Finances

When you file for bankruptcy it should be a time of deep self-reflection. You need to start honestly evaluating how you spend your money. If you have made mistakes you need to own up to them. Start seeking solutions to your financial problems and start learning how to manage your money wisely.

2. Pull Up A Thorough Credit Report

If you have filed for bankruptcy you should pull up your credit report so that you can get a comprehensive list of the people you owe. Don't make the mistake of thinking that because a creditor has stopped calling your bill is written off.  If you fail to include all of your creditors when you file for bankruptcy, you may just go through the entire process and still come out owing thousands of dollars that you have not declared.

3. Get Your Credit Counseling Certificate

One of the things you will need before you can file for bankruptcy is a credit counseling certificate; this certificate is mandatory and proves that you have undergone counseling from a government certified counselor. The counseling certificate is valid for six months, so don't wait until the last minute to complete the program and get your certificate.

4. Call Everyone You Owe

If you are tired of being constantly harassed by your creditors, then the quickest and most legal way to get them to stop bothering you is to call them and let them know you have filed for bankruptcy. It is illegal for your creditors to call you or write to you about your debt once they have been informed that you have successfully filed for bankruptcy. Do not hesitate to call them to let them know in which district you have filed and the name of your attorney.

Filing for bankruptcy is one of the most difficult things you will probably ever have to do. However, it is usually the best decision when you feel as if you are drowning in debt. Follow the advice outlined and you should get through the process quickly and smoothly.
